Can You Read This Page?
There are adults in St. Joseph County who can't. Can you be someone who can help these adults learn to read and change their lives?
These adults may have had problems in school and never learned to read, or can only read at a limited level. Others may be immigrants who travelled far to work in this region. English for them is a second language, one they may be able to speak, but not read. Whatever the barriers to their learning to read, these adults need your help, and so do we. The St. Joseph County Literacy Council needs you to direct anyone you know who can't read to contact us and begin the process to learn a vital skill they lack to communicate and fully engage in our society.
There is no cost to the students. They only need a desire to read to open up a new chapter in their lives.
And if you're willing to spare some time, as little as one hour a week, we need tutors to help them read. If you can read this page, you can be a tutor.